Wednesday, 11 August 2010

legendary creatures

There are many legends and myths about really strong creatures such as dragons, laviathans, phoenix, chimira these are only a few of the stronger creatures. now I am curious of in the situation where any 2 of these creatures both at their strongest in a one on one fight what would be the strongest. for example would a dragon beat a phoenix because the dragons fire would be useless but then if it had ice breath would that be more effective and isnt a dragon immune to fire?
now im asking for you to give your opinions start with any creatures that you think would be in your top 10 of the strongest and then give reasons why they are the best. I will up date this in the futrure with contributions from your views thank you.


  1. Dragons are pretty bad ass. I was camping in the desert about ten miles outside of a small town called Amboy in California talking random pictures. I didn't realize it at the time, but I actually captured a dragon flying overhead on the top left side of the image. Look at 1:04 and you'll see it.

  2. As for which would win, I would lean towards the dragon. For one, they are said to be magical creatures capable of feats that we cannot imagine. I was lucky to see one, but why have people not seen them more often? Perhaps they have the ability to blend into their environment? Fire is their greatest weapon. Infused with power magic, dragon fire is a great weapon. However, the phoenix grows larger and more power the more fire that it interacts with. The dragon may also possess the ability to breathe ice, lightning, or another element of great power. The dragon may manipulate the forces of nature, creating vast storms or great earthquakes. Dragons, therefore, possess great strengths and few weaknesses, considering that they have three layers of skin. The first and outer most layer of a dragon's skin this their scales, which are perhaps ten times stronger than carbon steel. The second layer is a fire proof skin-like resin, impervious to all degrees of heat. The third and final layer is a soft gelatinous material, which can absorb the force of blunt force and is also fire retardant. It is quite possible that neither opponents would be able to harm each other. Besides these facts, the phoenix itself is a peaceful being, living usual deep within volcanic chambers as a living flame. As an elemental creatures, the dragon and the phoenix are generally at peace. Though if a confrontation were imminent, I would still expect the dragon to claim victory. So there you have it. If you want to see proof that these creatures exist, check out the link below and skip to 1:04 on the video. I took the picture myself so it is reliable. Funny thing though, I wasn't looking for dragons when I took the picture, I captured it on my camera by chance.
